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Etwinning "Harbourers of the sea"


Etwinning “Harbourers of the sea”


teacher bulletin

Students will embark on a fascinating journey to rediscover the everlasting influence of the on our societies. The sea provides food, work, a peaceful haven in stressful times as well provides connections between our communities. Through this project, students will learn to appreciate not just what the sea has to offer, but also explore how we should preserve it and its inhabitants for future generations to come. Our students need to appreciate what they have in hand and understand that unless everyone does their part, we shall lose what we have left. Students need to be aware of how their day to day habits and practices should change in order to protect our sea.

Students 12-15 years old

Participating countries Greece,Malta, France, Turkey, Portugal, Bulgaria.This project offers an opportunity to learn about marine environment and how to protect it, through life skills, citizenship education, cross curriculum  activity and digital literacy.


Project overview

Brief Description:

We shall embark on a fascinating journey to rediscover the everlasting influence of the sea on our societies. The sea provides food, work, a peaceful haven in stressful times as well provides connections between our communities.


Through this project, you will learn to appreciate not just what the sea has to offer, but also explore how we should preserve it and its inhabitants for future generations to come. We need to appreciate what we have in hand and understand that unless everyone does their part, we shall lose what we have left.


We need to become aware of how our day-to-day habits and practices should change in order to protect our sea.


We will do this through:

- various collaborative activities in class and across nationalities, on Twinspace and using a variety of Web 2.0 Tools

key competencies that include: citizenship, cultural awareness and expression, digital competencies, entrepreneurship, literacy, personal social and emotional learning.



Netiquette rules 

We hope we will enjoy this adventure together.  Here are some instructions that will help the project run smoothly:

1. Let's collaborate together, let's make this project a real collaborative effort and enjoy it. We are going to work in mixed nationality groups and do beautiful things together.

2. Respect the time-frames.  On certain tasks we'd need to follow up and merge all the work together, it's best to work hand in hand. It's very important that if you have any difficulty contact your teachers.

3. When uploading pictures we need to have  a sub-folder with your country & school names for easier access, unless we all need to collaborate on the same page.

4.  If you cannot continue the project or an activity, kindly let us know as soon as you can, so that we can assist you. 

5.  I have created a group on Facebook for Teachers to join and talk more easily there. For you students, we shall be in touch through the official school channels.

6. Visit Twinspace to see what's happening from time to time.

7. Be respectful and considerate towards each other.

8. We have to apply for Quality Labels starting at end of-April. Please finish as much as you can before :)


Members meeting point 

Pin a  beach in your country



Say an important marine creature that you like

Answer garden


By participating in this project, you are agreeing to abide by the following rules:

In this project we want everyone to feel safe, included and valued so for this project to work smoothly we need to follow some guidelines:



Students participating in this project need to have a consent form signed by their parents/guardians.


As much as possible, students' faces shouldn't be showing in photos.  One might cover up one's face during an activity or have it blurred before being posted online.


Photos that include other people not involved in the project are not allowed.  (Do not upload photos with your family members/friends or people in the street)


Personal Safety

1. Keep your passwords safe, do not share with others.  If you lost your password, ask your teacher.

2. Keep passwords safely stored, not where they can be accessed.

3. Log off the Twinspace when you aren't using it, from your device.

4. Do not disclose personal information: no private contact details, no sharing of personal problems or photos, not even through Twinmail.

5. What you write through your account appears on yourself.  Never let others use your account, never use the account of others.



1.  Be respectful. No offensive or hurtful language is allowed.

2.  Be open to other people's opinions.  Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean you have to judge it or the person saying it. Agree to disagree and drop it.

3.  Never be offensive, not even through "jokes" especially regarding references to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion.  

4. What is a joke for you might not be a joke for someone else, it might cause offense and hurt. Avoid jokes. Sarcasm is not allowed.

5.  Be polite and respectful. Think before you post, choose your wording.  The way your message is understood is your responsibility too.

6.  Respect deadlines.   If you are late, it will effect everyone, as the work would be left incomplete and that the other partners cannot move on.  If you have a difficulty regarding completing a task, inform your teachers.



1.  Make sure that the work you upload is purely yours, not copied from the internet or your classmate's. Plagiarism is a crime.

2. Do not just google and download photos. Make sure that the photos/videos/other materials that you use have a CC (creative commons) license.   If you purchased a resource and you may not share it, do not.

3.  Materials from pirating websites are not allowed.  

4.  When using Web 2.0 tools respect company's agreements.  If the free version means that your work has to be watermarked by the mentioned company, you may not remove that watermark.

5.  Some Web.2 tools/websites/apps have their own inbuilt CC licensed materials (music, photos etc) for you to help you out. Stick to these.

6.  Credit the authors of the materials and add references when you use websites/materials.



Links to resources respecting CC license copyright


Safe Browser:

Swiggle.org.uk - Child Friendly Search Engine for Kids 











Royalty Free Music by Bensound | Stock Music




Our learning journey


 like to get to know you, what you know about the sea, what your habits are and what your concerns are so kindly fill in this questionnaire here:  https://forms.gle/hzee8D1sDYzdZAmD6




Teachers quarters


teachers’ details



teachers facebook group private


curriculum integression


We can use with literature, language in the lesson about nature, chapter 7, geography about impornant ports, seas, in biology about fishes.  In geography Curriculum: Geology of the seas, ocean currents, coastal regions, economic importance of the seas and coastal management learning outcomes in the geography course curriculum are directly related to the project.


consent forms


project sedule

Project Schedule (Updated)*:


* distribution of work as agreed in our group chats on Facebook, supporting each other as required.


Oct:     Getting to known each other | Logo Competition | #eucodeweek activities | dissemination of work 


Nov & Dec:  Sustainable Celebrations | Dissemination of work



Jan & Feb: Safer

 Internet Day | dissemination of work


March: Threats of the Sea 


April:  Eating Fish Sustainably | dissemination of work


May/ June:  eTwinning Day | Supporting our Communities  | dissemination of work | Closure activities & questionnaires


certificate of participation



Our school 1st Junior high school of Markopoulo, Athens is a secondary public school with 357 students. It has a big yard, laboratory, technology class, music class.


project flog logo

We have a winner! Whilst thanking all participants, let's congratulate:

Vasco P. e Rodrigo (Anselmo de Andrade, Almada - Portugal) 



europian code of week 2022





Learning about different technologies

This month we are celebrating European Code Week. We know that there are a lot of you who love to use technology, love coding and emerging fantastic new tools such as Artificial IntelligenceVirtual Reality and Augmented Reality.


Through this set of activities, we are going to learn about how to use technology for good, in this case Marine Environment.


how technologies help marine environment



Dear Students,


After you learnt so much about emerging technologies and coding, we'd like you to work on a task in national groups!  You'll need the help of your teachers to do this, after watching the videos.  So: what you have to do is this:


1.  Teacher explains the handout you will be given.

2.  Teacher will put you in groups of  3-5 students.

3.  You will think about the questions that you have on the handout.


4.  Research and brainstorm for ideas, so that you are able to choose on what to work on.

5. Discuss with your group mates how you shall achieve your goal.

6. Put your ideas and plan on the handout given.

7.  Present it in class to your mates.

8.  Either the teacher or a representative of your group should take a photo of the worksheet and upload it on the forum for your international partners to see.

9.  When everyone is done with their submissions, read about your international partners' submissions here on this page :)


Materials are here: 




sharing our work


When buying presents for Valentine's Day/Easter/Christmas/Birthdays or any other celebrations, do you try to make environmentally friendly choices

All around the year we celebrate something; be it Valentine's Day, Carnival, Diwali, Dia d los Muertos, Hannukah, Eid al fitr or Birthdays.  We all have our customs and traditions that are precious to us, customs that we should cherish and share with each other, even across cultures. 


However, we must also think of our responsibilities towards our planet, in this project we are taking particular interest in the sea. 


Fun Activity! - How can we make celebrations more sustainable towards the sea?


In this activity we are asking you to work in mixed nationality groups, so we think from the points of view of our different cultures.  What you have to do is the following:

 1.  Look up your name in the table in the link here: 




2. Click the link, in the document that corresponds to your group.


3. Post your ideas there.


4. We'll create the final posters that will be distributed around our schools.


5. We shall take photos of the shared posters in our schools in here: 






6. Feel free to share these posters among your family and friends and even on social media.






This year we celebrate Safer Internet Day on 7th February, and these days, during your lessons you are covering these themes.

Answer garden

" The 3 key checks to tell if a source is reliable

1. Check who made it

Some sources are more reliable than others – make sure you’re getting news from journalists and official news sites, rather than just social media. Journalists are held to account for what they report and any story in a news outlet will have gone through checks and an editor.

So have a look at what they’ve previously written and if their news seems accurate and unbiased – that they just report on the facts, rather than giving an opinion.

2. Check multiple sources

If the same information can be found on other websites or accounts, it might suggest that what the source is saying has been verified by other people too.

Checking multiple sources is a great way to make sure that a person can be trusted, as it shows that other reporters have come to the same conclusion about a news story and that it’s more likely to be true.

3. Check for reliable evidence

Have a look to see if the writer, journalist or even social media source is backing up their story with trustworthy evidence. It’s always a good sign if you can find where the news has come from and clearly see the facts behind the piece.

It’s also good to ask yourself if what the source is saying sounds believable. If it appears a bit out of this world or too good to be true, then the chances are that it might well be."


After learning about how to choose your sources, we're now asking you to put what you have learnt, to good use.


We'd like you to look up good reliable websites, that have to do with our project theme.

So we'd like you to share websites/articles/videos that:

- show the beauty of the sea: e.g. a website about the sea in your local area

- organisations that help the sea and it's creatures

- interesting facts

- a relaxing video about the sea

- or anything else that you have discussed with your teacher


When sharing posts on social media make sure that what you share promotes good values, that helps people learn, that it sets a good example (for e.g. you don't share someone who's destroying coastal areas)




From which threats do we have to protect the sea?


Dear Students,


After a journey reflecting about how important the sea is to us, we now need to take action.  You as Harbourers of the Sea, are the protectors of our seas and oceans and you need to deliver a message about what you have learnt and what we all need to do.


All of us can make a huge difference, so, all of us together are going to write a collaborative letter, which we shall than publish and present to our schools and if possible local community.


Each group is responsible for a section, your teachers will tell you which section you'll need to work on.  Here's the link:  https://www.canva.com/design/DAFZgDxYMyY/g52V8Cz-ys1ShrfHn4pYsA/edit?



Dear Partners,


It's our day!! eTwinning Day :) Let's do something special for the occiasion, together.



Task 2:

Together with your teacher, take a photo celebrating eTwinning and post it on the padlet below and send wishes to each each other: 


Eating Fish Sustainably



Together we are building a leaflet which we will later print with information about the different types of fish which we eat in our country, and, details about them, as in the example I provided in the link below.


Think of fish that is seasonal and local.  Fish that doesn't need to be imported (hence increasing pollution due to transport costs).  Remember that it's better to eat fish when it's abundant and has grown into adult size, rather than small, it's even more budget friendly too!  Think of fish that's not over fished.


Look at this link with information: https://fishfortomorrow.com/  It tells you which fish you should eat abundantly / avoid / eat with caution. This along with your teachers in class will give you an idea of what we are after.


1.       Alone / in pairs / groups decide on a fish you'd like to work on.  You may use the website  https://fishfortomorrow.com/  for help

2.       Click on this link here: https://t.ly/7qnk  and fill in the details requested.  

3.       You need to upload the photo of the fish and also a dish of how the fish is served. If the photos you upload aren't yours, make sure that they are copyright free (use https://pixabay.com/  OR https://www.pexels.com/)

4.       https://ilearnedu-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/melanie_cini_ilearn_edu_mt/ES1njOY3djdGmuy8Sld9wJUBPtBsSmMEXe4n0WOJ47Od1w


Dear Students!


Well done for the exceptional work! Looks like you've done great research.


Here's the end result, you may use these cards with your friends and family.  Just print and cut out.


We will print the document and share it with all of us so that we have a comprehensive guide, which you can also share with your family, friends, school and local communities.



Dear Partners,


Now that we have learnt so much about the sea and how to preserve it, we need to share what we know with our communities.


We shall be preparing:


a checklist with sea-friendly tips for families

a game to play in class/with friends and family



Let's Support our families and school community!


Together we shall build build a game  that will last years to come. We could use it in class to learn about Marine Sustainable Development together with other pupils who weren't in the project and our friends and family.


For now we need you to write your questions and answers here in this link, as per category.  Ask your teacher to help you out with this, to work together.














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