Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Stop, think, reflect....act



The aim of the project is to promote well being and students will be guided to reflect on their attitudes. That will help them dealing with certain issues of their life. This will be done through various activities, but the key tool will be the Friendship Cards, which will help them reflect on their actions and what comes afterwards.

Participating countries Greece(2), Malta(2), Italy, Portugal(2), Slovenia, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, France.

Age range 12-16

Subjects of teaching:


Cross Curricular

Informatics / ICT


Key competences:



Personal, social and learning to learn

Maths and science



The focus of this project is about students' well-being and we aim to  provide a safe space in which students can think, reflect and discuss emotions. It helps students understand why one should be aware of their feelings, actions and the consequences. The project will equip students with tools to empower them when facing conflict management, anger and stress. This also encourage students adopt positive behaviors to improve their wellbeing.

Expected Results

Students will: Be more mindful about their behaviours Equipped with tools to help them stop, think and reflect about their actions in various situations Learn how to use new digital tools Learn to work with students from various nationalities and cultures


Project overview

Welcoming board

1. Let's collaborate together, let's make this project a real collaborative effort and enjoy it. We are going to work in mixed nationality groups and do beautiful things together.

2. Respect the time-frames.  On certain tasks we'd need to follow up and merge all the work together, it's best to work hand in hand. It's very important that if you have any difficulty contact your teachers.

3. When uploading pictures we need to have  a sub-folder with your country & school names for easier access, unless we all need to collaborate on the same page.

4.  If you cannot continue the project or an activity, kindly let us know as soon as you can, so that we can assist you. 

5.  I have created a group on Facebook for Teachers to join and talk more easily there. For you students, we shall be in touch through the official school channels.

6. Visit Twinspace to see what's happening from time to time.

7. Be respectful and considerate towards each other.

8. We have to apply for Quality Labels starting at end of-April. Please finish as much as you can before :)



code of contuct


By participating in this project, you are agreeing to abide by the following rules:

In this project we want everyone to feel safe, included and valued so for this project to work smoothly we need to follow some guidelines:



Students participating in this project need to have a consent form signed by their parents/guardians.


As much as possible, students' faces shouldn't be showing in photos.  One might cover up one's face during an activity or have it blurred before being posted online.


Photos that include other people not involved in the project are not allowed.  (Do not upload photos with your family members/friends or people in the street)


Personal Safety

1. Keep your passwords safe, do not share with others.  If you lost your password, ask your teacher.

2. Keep passwords safely stored, not where they can be accessed.

3. Log off the Twinspace when you aren't using it, from your device.

4. Do not disclose personal information: no private contact details, no sharing of personal problems or photos, not even through Twinmail.

5. What you write through your account appears on yourself.  Never let others use your account, never use the account of others.



1.  Be respectful. No offensive or hurtful language is allowed.

2.  Be open to other people's opinions.  Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean you have to judge it or the person saying it. Agree to disagree and drop it.

3.  Never be offensive, not even through "jokes" especially regarding references to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion.  

4. What is a joke for you might not be a joke for someone else, it might cause offense and hurt. Avoid jokes. Sarcasm is not allowed.

5.  Be polite and respectful. Think before you post, choose your wording.  The way your message is understood is your responsibility too.

6.  Respect deadlines.   If you are late, it will effect everyone, as the work would be left incomplete and that the other partners cannot move on.  If you have a difficulty regarding completing a task, inform your teachers.



1.  Make sure that the work you upload is purely yours, not copied from the internet or your classmate's. Plagiarism is a crime.

2. Do not just google and download photos. Make sure that the photos/videos/other materials that you use have a CC (creative commons) license.   If you purchased a resource and you may not share it, do not.

3.  Materials from pirating websites are not allowed.  

4.  When using Web 2.0 tools respect company's agreements.  If the free version means that your work has to be watermarked by the mentioned company, you may not remove that watermark.

5.  Some Web.2 tools/websites/apps have their own inbuilt CC licensed materials (music, photos etc) for you to help you out. Stick to these.

6.  Credit the authors of the materials and add references when you use websites/materials.

7. If using an AI generated text or image or any other product, you should say that you did so and quote the app that you'd have used.


Using generative AI tools

1.  Use AI to facilitate you, not to create work from scratch, such as summarising, correcting adapting your work.

2. If you get information from generative AI tools, make sure you quote the tools that you have used.

3. Learn how to use good prompting to get the desired results.

4.If you create an image using AI, quote the tool that you used.

5. AI tools are not always 100% correct. Make sure you check if they are correct and think also of possible biases.



Links to resources respecting CC license copyright


Safe Browser:

Swiggle.org.uk - Child Friendly Search Engine for Kids 











Royalty Free Music by Bensound | Stock Music


About the project


We are a nice group of international partners from:

Bulgaria, France, Italy, Greece, Malta, Slovenia, Portugal and Turkey.



Brief Description:

We shall be working on our emotional literacy skills mostly stress, anger management, and conflict managment. 


Through this project, we will learn how to deal with our emotions using tools such as mediation.


We will be using the Friendship Cards, for which Ms Melanie Cini will provide training and Relationships are Forever Foundation will provide a set of cards for each school.


We will do this through:

- various collaborative activities in class and across nationalities, on Twinspace and using a variety of Web 2.0 Tools

key competencies that include: lifeskills, citizenship, cultural awareness and expression, digital competencies, entrepreneurship, literacy, personal social and emotional learning.





Our personal details:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B5i8EnyajpU3MCS66oF0Yp7_kZnrB26k23HHLADzjv8/edit?usp=sharing


Our private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1323480878293980

Getting to know each other and friendship cards







meetings partners



Project plan



Training for teachers about Friendship Cards


Introduction by  Students on Padlet. Students post an image of something that makes them feel at peace: eg. Raindrops or a forest or a nice dish, or sport


Intro to Friendship cards


Mindful communication:  clip issues: from Big Bang Theory communication problems.



All partners



Teachers and students


 Teachers process this using friendship cards and upload photos of activity on twinspace



Dealing with Anger


Answergarden about what makes students angry


Ross’s Sandwich Video clip

Students have to discuss what they learnt on forum and create a collaborative poster on canva.


Teachers process this using friendship cards and upload photos of activity on twinspace


Conflict Management – Young Sheldon Video Clip

Students have to discuss what they learnt on forum and create a collaborative poster on canva

Teachers process this using friendship cards and upload photos of activity on twinspace




Meditation in class/school grounds on calm.com, to be more positive


Students make origami birds and write a short peaceful message on it, as part of a relaxation exercise and send one to each school via airmail.


Schools will print a tree and have them attached to it.


They might make more and give them to teachers etc


Teachers take a photo of the activity.




Students learn about the importance of logging off their devices and using the internet mindfully for mental health.


Each school creates a slogan that is posted in a prominent space in the classroom.


Situation cards:  students discuss these cards about topics they have learnt in class.



Partner teachers create the card game together online. These cards will be given to the NGO supporting us.




Melanie to create an escape room related to the project and all students try it in class.


Escape room to be shared  later for eTwinning Day in May within our schools


Evaluation forms

Saying goodbye

Melanie & teachers


Curiculum integretion


consent forms



microsoft tools

friendship cards meeting


The Friendship Cards meeting took place on Monday, October 23rd. During the meeting, partner teachers had the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and talk about their aspirations as well as concerns about the use of the cards. Ms Melanie Cini presented the Cards and thoroughly explained how they can be used both in the classroom and school life in general. 

Partner schools


let’s get to know each other



Team building actvities


In this set of pages, we will be setting the pace for our project.  


We will create a collaborative poster and choose our logo.


Poster activities


Dear Partners,


Our first exciting collaborative activity, is two-fold.


1. Collaborative photo in class. You have to take a photograph together, that portrays the goals of our project, using your hands! Feel free to be as creative as you like!


2. We shall create a collaborative poster with all of your photos, that way, we are all represented on this big poster, together. Link is here: https://tinyurl.com/yc7wrkhv




Dear Partners,


For our project logo, we'd like to ask you: Which animal do you think would represent our project best?  Submit your answer here:https://answergarden.ch/3867379


Once we get to know which is your favourite animal, we'll generate an image of your favourite animal using one of these apps: 

·         https://openai.com/dall-e-2/

·         https://creator.nightcafe.studio/ 

·         https://www.canva.com/



Remember that to make the right decisions and take the best actions for yourself and others, we need to stop and think first. We need to be mindful.


mindful on the school grounds


Find a spot in the school grounds that you find relaxing. Spend some time there with your teachers.  Take a photo of it, and tell us why you like it so much posting hit here 



may peace be with you


friendship cards tool


working together mixting nationality groups



friendship cards at school




1. Find Your Quiet Space: Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet space to sit. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax.


2. Imagine the Forest: Picture yourself standing at the edge of a peaceful forest. Visualize the tall trees, their leaves gently rustling in the breeze. Feel the cool, fresh air on your face as you step into the inviting forest.


3. Follow the Path: As you venture deeper into the forest, notice the soft ground beneath your feet. There's a clear path ahead, winding through the trees. Follow this path, knowing that it represents your journey into the new year.


4. Open Your Eyes, Feeling Cards: Look at the cards in front of you: How do you feel?  Which feeling cards do you identify with right now? (take a photo of the cards that students choose, removing all the other cards)


Phase 2:


5. Discover a Clearing: As you continue, you come across a peaceful clearing in the forest. This clearing represents the present moment. Sit down in the clearing, and take a moment to breathe deeply, feeling the serenity of the surroundings.    How do you feel? 


6.  Goals: Think of a goal or two that you would like to achieve during 2024?


7. Open Your Eyes: write your goals on a sticky note. 


8. Good Move/Bad Move Cards: Look at the cards in front of you now:  Which cards will help you towards your goal? (take a photo of the cards that students choose, removing all the other cards)


9.  Making Up & Setting up Intentions: Look at the Making Up Cards...choose the cards that you will meet at the end of the journey, as a result of your decisions.  take a photo of the cards that students choose, removing all the other cards)


10. Close your eyes : In the clearing, consider the positive qualities and goals you'd like to cultivate in the coming year. Envision these intentions as vibrant flowers or plants growing around you. See them flourishing and filling the clearing with positive energy.


Phase 3:


11. Closure & Feelings Cards: Open your eyes, and choose which feeling cards apply to you now that you are at the end of the journey.


12. Stepping Out: Slowly stand up in a circle. Express gratitude to the forest for providing a space for reflection and renewal. As you step out of the forest, know that you are ready to embrace the opportunities of the new year.





teachers evaluations form



student evaluation



friendship cards and conflict management

Now that you have met the Dancers, the footballers, the forest friends and the rangers...and used the friendship cards...


According to the mixed nationality groups you have been assigned by your teachers:

we'd like you to write the conflict management skills you learnt about through the roles of the Dancers, Footballers, Rangers and Forest animals here: 




Task 1

Following our role play activity now we need to write what skills you have learnt about under each of the headings (as per mixed nationality group) in this link here: canva

1.What to share and not to share

2.How to practice netiquette in relation to others

3.How to protect your social media account

4.What to do when feeling in difficulty online.


Task 2

Time to spread some positivity!


Use the Canva here to give one-two pieces of advice on how to behave online but make sure you use positive language (eg do not use don't!)


Dear Partners,


Following our learning journey using the Friendship Cards, we will now put into practice what we have learnt and share it with others...So we shall create a board game that we can play in class, with all of our friends and family outside school too.


We will create a Snakes and Ladders Board Game with a difference.  On the bottom of the ladders we will write good tips, on the tail of the snakes we will write pitfalls.  Here is the Board Game on Canva that we will then print and share once it's ready: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF_Sprvlqo/IGvXlITPWiRPlKwjHgsr2w/edit?utm_content=DAF_Sprvlqo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


For this we require everyone's collaboration and we need you to do this: Click the two links below and follow the instructions:


(Snakes) https://www.tricider.com/admin/2rCFxgbHvIV/EI5xqIuxVpr

(Ladders) https://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/3Zoh5fX19EF



the collaborative game



We are going to write an article, each of us is going to do a part of it, building up.  At the end, we will have a great article to be published on our school social networks....



etwinning day meeting celebrations












Participating in code week activities


dissemination in school blog


blog created


dissemination for internet safety day

technology integration





google docs



you tube





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