Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο


Etwinning “Think, act, inpire!” is a project aimed at 13-15 year olds accross Europe to get to know each other, and work together to make the world a better place. As they go along, students will create a journal with reflections and tips to help others. Participating counties are Greece, Portugal, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Spain. 16 students have participated from Greece. And teacher Vasiliki Dogani has participated from Greece



project  overview


project datails

The project was created to enable students to work with their peers across Europe and to make students aware how they can be inspires and inpire others to do good that even small gestures truly change.At the end of the project a journal was created among parteners that is disseminated among schools. There was a draft programme of what the project should be like.If the students or teachers came up with an idea we discussed and included in the project.We knew that we were here to get inspiration and inpire others to be more minful about internet safety, to be more appreciative of what life is and to keep as positive as possible.We worked within these parameters but expanded it further to extend it to our respective school communities and organizations who showed interest in our project.

·        This Project is aimed at 13-16 year olds accross Europe to get to know each other, and work together to make the world a better place. As they go along, students will create a journal with reflections and tips to help others.


 To enable students to work with their peers across Europe, especially if we have lockdown again. To make students aware how bees help the world and how they can be like spread positivity. To create a journal among partners that would be disseminated among participating schools. Topics would include: Internet Safety, healthy relationships among others.

Work Process:2 Aspects: Activities & Journal

The Topics/Activities:

- School introductions

- What do you love about Autumn?  

- Self- Care

- Saving Our Sea

- Positive values  at Christmas

- Saving our Sea

- Coping with stress in stressful situations

- Our digital footprint

- Preparing for the world of work

- Sustainable Environment

- The Importance of self-Reflection: How as the project changed you and the world around you?

The Journal:

Introductory pages: Project Introduction, Project Map, School details.

2 pages per topic which include:  photos from project, tips, self-reflection.  Also: important links.  Each partner will be responsible for a section.


project plan and timeline




Responsibility of:

Done/Not Done

Beg of Project

Online code of conduct (Internet Safety, GDPR issues and copyright)


Throughout the year

Integration of project in curriculum


Oct 20  - May 21

Project Journal:

  1. Introduction
  2. Topics & tips

  1. Collective
  2. Each per partner

Oct 21


  1. Map school on zeemaps
  2. Sub-page about one’s school

  1. Each partner
  2. Each partner

Oct 21

What do you love about Autumn?

  1. Students take a photo of autumn in their country and share it on padlet in Twinspace

 Each partner

Nov 21


In class the concept of self-care and why it is important is discussed, especially in pandemic times.  Students share their favourite tip on padlet

 Each partner

Nov 21

Saving our Sea: students look at the video by national geographic and create a poster to save the sea, which will  be shared at school.

Each partner

Dec 21

Positive Values at Christmas:

  1. Write Merry Christmas in your language on answergarden.  This will be included in the below task:
  2. Create Christmas Cards, that will be given to associations that help people in need/specific people in need.

Each partner

Jan 21

Back to School: Revising the Netiquette rules

  1. As we come back to school, we decided to ask students to go over the netiquette rules and give their opinion on padlet

Organised by Ms Maria La Porta

Jan 21

Coping with stress: Gratitude

When it comes to stress, appreciating what we have can help our morale a lot.  

Each partner

Jan - Feb 21

Our Digital Footprint - Internet Safety Day

Each school creates a short video of no longer than 30 seconds about our digital footprint. These videos will be merged together and shared at school and media on 9/02/21

Each partner

Preparing for the world of work:


Each partner

Apr for May 21

Easter/Spring Traditions & eTwinning Day

Each partner

Sustainable Development: the SDG Goals

Each partner

Apr-mid May 21

Final evaluations: 

Teacher evaluations

 student evaluations

Evaluations distributed to parents (if applicable)

Evaluations distributed to organisations who helped us.

A report about the findings will have to be written.

Each partner



Project Plan Adjustments

·         Important Project Plan Adjustments

The project pages don't exactly fit the original plan, we had to make some adjustments.

 This year has been particulary challenging because:

- We had no idea of how we would be teaching at the time that the project plan was finalised

- Each country and school had it's particular conditions.  Some of us worked on-site / hybrid / online / started one way, continued another / changed throughout as instructed by Health Authorities

- Our students had different needs than previous years

- When working on site in schools we had various restrictions:

   * students had to be 1.5m-2m distant all the time, hence no groupwork

   * students couldn't move around the school to take photos, promote their projects etc

   * we couldn't decorate our classrooms with the work done in our project

   * we had classroom demographics that changed continously

- Resources that we needed weren't always available and we had to adapt

- Some of us were sick, in quarantine or had to take care of loved ones

- all of us suffered some degree of covid-19 fatigue in one way or another

- we had to change sequence of topics, according to the new developments at our  schools

- we found resouces that we thought were beneficial to our students at this particular time and decided to take up the opportunity and use them (example: t friendship cards)


So we changed the topics accordingly:

- for flexibility so we could work together 

- to make it possible for our students to benefit from the project as much as possible

- to include students' requests an focus on their needs

- focused on one aspect more than another to make the project more interesting and      stimulating

-  included more topics that are positive and heartwarming to the students

 This was possible because:

- As partners we supported each other as much as possible, we were more like family rather than partners.

- Our students appreciated and filled us with energy to continue working as best as we could

- we found support from entities within our communities who offered to support us across boundaries  eg Frienshipcards | Communication Skills for Children (friendshipcards.org) sent cards to all of the partners in the project for FREE


Paedagogical innovation and creativity

I try to motivate students and keep them alive through covid and through quarantine. So I involve etwinners on twinpace and non etwinners in eclass . They had a variety of tasks, each school had to vote and come up to an agreement with logo encouraging democratic practices. We used mixed nationality groups and students discussed in the class and  shared them with other teams. For example came up with the goo-vibes game in class .Student voice was very important and they suggested apps to use, asked them to solve problems intead of creating physical cards, create digital cards.urriculum integration

·         curriculum integration

·         It's very important to note that:

·         - We teach different subjects and have managed to create a project plan that works for all of us. If it's Personal, Social and Career Development, if it's Italian or English, we have managed to work in sync together for the students to benefit as much as possible from the project.

·         Card activity fitted them well. Sustainable development, self care was a part of the project.Friensdship cards, nature trust shared photo with us to provide it to our studentsInternet safety and reflect on values, to learn about themselves what inspires them and how to inpire.

·         https://twinspace.etwinning.net/121034/pages/page/1293139


·         9th , 10th grade, subject english, language

·         -e-safety rules, engagement, to create a digital future,

·         friendhip and self care

·         - Environmental activities, sustainability

·         -good vibes

·         Experiences:charities and Volunteering

·         -Use of friendshipe cards

·         -enviromental campaigns, footprint

·         -developing digital skils

·         -project based learning

·         -Emotional Literacy playing games. We feel that nowadays, during the pandemic, it's very important for our students to express themselves well as regards to emotions, so that they are able to express themselves well.

·         Beyond Curriculum

·         We wanted to give our students skills that go beyond the curriclum. We still want them to:

·         - feel part of the world, even though we are physically segregated

·         - help them develop their skills to adapt and survive

·         - help them take care of themselves

·         - help them feel empowered as positive agents of change, even from behind a screen

·         - strengthen their digital literacy skills through the various tasks assigned.

·         -e-safety rules, engagement,

·         digital future,

·         friendhip and selfe care

·         - Environmental activities, sustainability

·         -good vibes

·         experiences:charities and Volunteering

·         -Use of friendshipe cards


·         https://twinspace.etwinning.net/121034/pages/page/1458552


·         https://twinspace.etwinning.net/121034/pages/page/



links for communication

Cross Curricular Integration

It's very important to note that:

We teach different subjects and have managed to create a project plan that works for all of us. If it's Personal, Social and Career Development, if it's Italian or English, we have managed to work in sync together for the students to benefit as much as possible from the project.

Emotional Literacy

- We feel that nowadays, during the pandemic, it's very important for our students to express themselves well as regards to emotions, so that they are able to express themselves well.

 Beyond Curriculum

We wanted to give our students skills that go beyond the curriclum. We still want them to: 

- feel part of the world, even though we are physically segregated

- help them develop their skills to adapt and survive

- help them take care of themselves

- help them feel empowered as positive agents of change, even from behind a screen

- strengthen their digital literacy skills through the various tasks assigned.




 Sustainable development was a part of the topic and self care, life in the pandemic was a part of the project included.

Friendship cards, nature trust who shared with us replaiced to a certain extent to provide students outcomes.

Links Communication

Teacher's Private Facebook Group

Here we share, discuss and plan at any time of day. We vote for ideas, remind each other of deadlies, ask for advice etc.



We used messenger to chat, especially when we required urgent feedback.


When we need to write articles we usually use emails and correct each others work, add photos etc.

Video Calls

We used these when we needed to meet up to take important decisions or use new tools such as the Friendship Cards.



Apart from Twinspace, we used other media to communicate with our students.

Since, most of us had online schooling due to the pandemic.

Session about friendship cards relationships are Forever Foundation, they sent a free copy cards to each of the parteners. I told my partners how to use them, some parteners use them to solve class conflicts too.

A logo creation  where pupils had to create and vote for their favourite logos, shared pictures autum in their country, worked on the internet safety posters in mixed nationality groups and created questions shared with other nationalities.Shared their views on padlet, forum, came with a good vibes game.Etwinners and non etwinners worked and present their activivites in class. Planner was to be internet safety posters, etwinning calendar, culture cards. Etwinning helped them to connect with the rest of the world, how to collaborate with entities outside school community, speak about social issues.  













code of contact

self care




·         https://twinspace.etwinning.net/121034/pages/page/1086715


In this project we want everyone to feel safe, included and valued so  for this project to work smoothly we need to follow some guidelines:


1.    Students participating in this project need to have a consent form signed by their parents/guardians.

2.    As much as possible, students' faces shouldn't be showing in photos.  One might cover up one's face during an activity or have it blurred before being posted online.

3.    Photos that include other people not involved in the project are not allowed.  (Do not upload photos with your family members/friends or people in the street)

Personal Safety

1. Keep your passwords safe, do not share with others.  If you lost your password ask your teacher.

2. Keep passwords safely stored, not where they can be accessed.

3. Log off the Twinspace when you aren't using it, from your device.

4. Do not disclose personal information: no private contact details, no sharing of personal problems or photos, not even through Twinmail.

5. What you write through your account appears on yourself.  Never let others use your account, never use the account of others.


1.  Be respectful. No offensive or hurtful language is allowed.

2.  Be open to other people's opinions.  Just because you don't agree with something, doesn't mean you have to judge it or the person saying it. Agree to disagree and drop it.

3.  Never be offensive, not even through "jokes" especially regarding references to gender, sexual orientation, ethicity, race, nationality, religion.  

4. What is a joke for you might not be a joke for someone else, it might cause offense and hurt. Avoid jokes. Sarcasm is not allowed.

5.  Be polite and respectful. Think before you post, choose your wording.  The way your message is understood is your responsibility too.

6.  Respect deadlines.   If you are late, it will effect everyone, as the work would be left incomplete and that the other partners cannot move on.  If you have a difficulty regarding completing a task, inform your teachers.


1.  Make sure that the work you upload is purely yours, not copied from the internet or your classmate's. Plagiarism is a crime.

2. Do not just google and download photos. Make sure that the photos/videos/other materials that you use have a CC (creative commons) license.   If you purchased a resource and you may not share it, do not.

3.  Materials from pirating websites are not allowed.  

4.  When using Web 2.0 tools respect company's agreements.  If the free version means that your work has to be watermarked by the mentioned company, you may not remove that watermark.

5.  Some Web.2 tools/websites/apps have their own inbuilt CC licensed materials (music, photos etc) for you to help you out. Stick to these.

6.  Credit the authors of the materials and add references when you use websites/materials.

Links to resources respecting CC license copyright

 Safe Browser:

Swiggle.org.uk - Child Friendly Search Engine for Kids 


CC Search (creativecommons.org)

Creative Common Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

Free Creative Commons Zero Images · Pexels

Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class!


Last Summer (Free Download) in Creative Commons Music Playlist | Background Music For Videos (soundcloud.com)

Royalty Free Music by Bensound | Stock Music

 Let's learn together in a safe environment, have fun, and enjoy this journey!


eTwinning Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for eTwinning projects | eTwinning ambassador's course- My learning Diary (andromachipieridou.blogspot.com)




Use of technology






Video Calls

 Friendship Cards.








calameo, kahoot, think link, powtoon, genially, www.swiggle.org.uk

canva, adobe spark, tricider, bitly, we video, google forms, google slides



Students evaluation





teacher’s evaluation











etwinning day


inspiring words










Raising awareness of online safety keeps students safer both at school and home when they are browsing the internet. Students can choose any online tool to create their poster with messages and tips for internet safety.
















sustainable environment




Positive change



Our posters shared on slide share


Christmas cards


project dissemination









Final products of the project








My contribution I try to collaborate with orther schools  and to collaborate with organizations outside school” Smile of the child”. I try to inpire others and my pupil and make sure that everyone was woking happily. My students understand their tasks and correspond to it.

project awards


A collaboration http://www.friendshipcards.org/

Collaboration with Nature Trust

Collaboration with KPE Mesologiou  “Pandemia to see it as a chance”


etwinning day


questionnaire results and analysis








presentation at our school blog

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Stop, think, reflect....act

  Theme The aim of the project is to promote well being and students will be guided to reflect on their attitudes. That will help them dealing with certain issues of their life. This will be done through various activities, but the key tool will be the Friendship Cards, which will help them reflect on their actions and what comes afterwards. Participating countries Greece(2), Malta(2), Italy, Portugal(2), Slovenia , Poland, Turkey , Bulgaria, France. Age range 12-16 Subjects of teaching: Citizenship Cross Curricular Informatics / ICT Psychology Key competences: Citizenship Digital Personal, social and learning to learn Maths and science   Aims The focus of this project is about students' well-being and we aim to   provide a safe space in which students can think, reflect and discuss emotions. It helps students understand why one should be aware of their feelings, actions and the consequences. The project will equip students with tools to e...