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Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Μάιος, 2024

Etwinning "National night of the classical high school"

 Dissemination Etwinning National night of the classical high school Presentation of the national night from all participating countries Dissemination in social media Presentation of national night. In 1st Junior high school of Markopoulo we read poems, making reading marathons! Παρουσίαση από τη μουσικοθεατρική παράσταση υπεύθυνη κ.M. Μουσέτη Presentations of the musical theater performance by M. Mouseti  Rubrics Ρούμπρικες Criteria Exceeds Expectations (3) Meets Expectations (2) Does Not Meet Expectations (1) Understanding of Greek Culture Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of diverse aspects of Greek civilization, including history, arts, architecture, philosophy, and social structure. Provides detailed and nuanced explanations. Displays a good understanding of key elements of Greek culture, with some details and examples. Limited knowledge of Greek culture shown, with minimal detai